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10 reasons to use an established Wrexham hairdresser

Posted by admin on November 17, 2015
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Everyone loves to save money especially when it comes to beauty. We all want to look like a million bucks without actually spending it! Of course there are times you shouldn’t take shortcuts to save a buck and invest in a good hairstylist. Here are my tips for 10 reasons to use an established Wrexham hairdresser.

Reason #1

If you want to dramatically change your hair color you should definitely not DIY. A shade or two darker or lighter is ok but if you are thinking of something more dramatic you should make an appointment with your hair dresser. Nat Cargius can better consult you on what shade will work for your skin tone and what would definitely be a don’t for you.

Reason #2

Also a dramatic haircut or something pretty complex should not be done at home. If you don’t have a friend that happens to be great at cutting hair, this is something where you need to make that appointment. If you want to save money think of something that would be easier to manage and wouldn’t look bad while it grew out so you don’t have to see your hairdresser every six or eight weeks.

Reason #3

Highlights!! Highlights are very complex and depending on the look you want to achieve you may be disappointed with the DIY highlights box you bought at the local shop. Then it would cost you more to repair the damage you made with that DIY solution. Trust me, leave this technique to the pros.

Reason #4

Your hair needs to get thinned out. This technique is very difficult to achieve on your own and especially for people who have not gone to beauty school. Trust me this wouldn’t be a good look for you. Especially if you have been left with choppy hair. Hairdressers use a special technique with a special scissor to get this look. It’s very tricky to thin it out without going overboard.

Reason #5

You need to get a perm. First the chemicals can burn your scalp and damage your hair. This is another special technique that you should leave for the pros. They would also know with your facial structure what type of curl would be best for you and you will get a very even look.

Reason #6

You need a relaxer and if done badly can burn your scalp badly, break your hair and just be a mess. This kind of damage takes a while to repair.

Reason #7

You would like to try extensions. If you bought it, it’s still yours! But to get a nice look you should definitely see a professional. You want to look like a movie star not a drag queen!

Reason #8

You’re getting married. This goes without saying. You should definitely allow money in your wedding budget to get your hair done professionally. But one word of advice: Please don’t try a major change as far as haircut, colour…whatever you think of. This is not the time to experiment with a new look!

Reason #9

You are pregnant. You need a professional to recommend what would be best for you. In this stage full of hormones you may want to do something drastic and you need someone to give you their honest opinion and tell you if cutting your long hair to a bob may want to wait. Also a hair dye is something you may want to speak to your doctor about before trying and definitely want to make sure you get the best products for you and your baby.

Reason #10

Because if anything goes wrong, you need a hairdresser that’s fully insured. An established hairdresser such as Nat Cargius is fully insured, well equipped and has the latest hair products on the market that will ensure your new hairstyle remains as shiny and colourful as the day it was first done.